April 10th, 2007 | Feature
The Game Center CX Episode Guide
The front-to-back tribute to the Japanese TV show that flies in the face of Nintendo's epilepsy warnings.


As of March 2012, my work on this guide will stop. Thank you for all your visits and kind words. To find out more, please read this message.

Looking for the write-up of the "GCCX in USA" special?
Click here

Japan has given us a few television gems over the years. A lot of memorable anime series, sure, but a fair share of live-action programming as well (what, you want me to make a list?). But for the country that practically defined "game culture," not a lot of interesting game-related programming has come through. But can we really fault them? Like the rest of the world, most of the video game stuff on Japanese TV has been kids’ shows, a news story every so often or, these days, nerdy DVDs — nothing really, truly memorable.

Game Center CX is different. It’s comedic, dramatic, even a bit mental, but altogether it’s an unforgettable show about what sounds like a forgettable concept: a guy trying to beat old Nintendo games. I was late to the party when I saw it, but once I did, I had to see all of it. After that, I decided I had to share it the best way I could, and this episode guide is the result. You could call it "spoiling" (well, yeah, it kinda is), or at least "insane," but I’ll gladly wear those badges if anyone else finds the show and loves it as I have.
Ray Barnholt

The very big final update: The rest of season 15, a new Virtual Console episode, and the biggest of the big: a writeup of the latest GCCX live show!

Table of Contents

The Show

The Host – Just who is Arino the kacho?
The Segments – He doesn’t just play games, you know.
The Staff – Arino’s helpers and the other folks behind the camera.
The DVDs – What’s on the Japanese box sets?
The Books – Official episode guides and other fun stuff.
The Games – Have you played Retro Game Challenge?
External Links – Who else is talking about GCCX?

The Episodes

Season 1
Finding one’s footing

  1. #1 Taito (Takeshi no Chousenjou)
  2. #2 Koei (Angelique Trois)
  3. #3 Capcom (Steel Battalion)
  4. #4 Sakura Taisen (Roommania #203)
  5. #5 Momotaro Dentetsu (Star Force)
  6. #6 Derby Stallion (Astro Robo SASA)
  7. #7 Namco (Galaga)
  8. #8 Chun Soft (Door Door)
  9. #9 Konami (Gradius / Yie-Ar Kung Fu / Track & Field)
  10. #10 Nintendo (Super Mario The Lost Levels)
  11. Special: Pokemon (Lost Levels Pt. II)

Season 2
Notorious classics

  1. #1 Atlantis no Nazo
  2. #2 Challenger
  3. #3 Ghosts ‘N’ Goblins
  4. #4 Konami WaiWai World
  5. #5 Metroid
  6. #6 Solomon’s Key
  7. #7 Prince of Persia (Pt. I)
  8. #8 Prince of Persia (Pt. II)
  9. #9 Mega Man 2
  10. #10 Super Mario Bros. 3

Season 3
Incredible feats of strength… and love

  1. #11 J.J. & Jeff
  2. #12 Takeshi’s Castle
  3. #13 Tokimeki Memorial
  4. #14 Famicom Jump
  5. #15 Doki-Doki Panic
  6. #16 Hi no Tori
  7. #17 Super Mario World (Pt. I)
  8. #18 Super Mario World (Pt. II)
  9. #19 Milon’s Secret Castle
  10. #20 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Season 4
The fall and rise of a kacho

  1. #21 Ultraman
  2. #22 Final Fight
  3. #23 Adventure Island
  4. #24 Actraiser
  5. #25 Quiz Tonosama no Yabou
  6. #26 Doraemon
  7. #27 Super Mario 64 (Pt. I)
  8. #28 Super Mario 64 (Pt. II)
  9. #29 Ninja Gaiden
  10. #30 Kid Icarus

Season 5
A truly triumphant return

  1. #31 Umihara Kawase
  2. #32 Contra
  3. #33 Bonanza Bros.
  4. #34 Ghouls ‘N’ Ghosts
  5. #35 Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
  6. #36 Youkai Dochuuki

Season 6
The most explosive challenge

  1. #37 Street Fighter II
  2. #38 Castlevania III
  3. #39 Mighty Bomb Jack (Pt. I)
  4. #40 Mighty Bomb Jack (Pt. II) / Gargoyle’s Quest II
  5. #41 Mighty Bomb Jack (Pt. III)
  6. #42 Adventure Quiz: Hatena? no Daibouken
  7. #43 SOS
  8. #44 Bio Miracle: Bokutte Upa

Season 7
New horizons, old hardships

  1. #45 Ultra Seven
  2. #46 Mega Man
  3. #47 Wagyan Land
  4. #48 Out of This World
  5. #49 The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
  6. #50 Special: TamaGe in South Korea
  7. #51 Licensed Game "Festival"
  8. #52 Super Ghouls ‘N’ Ghosts
  9. #53 Clock Tower
  10. #54 The Quest of Ki (Pt. I)

Season 8
Cute characters and Christmas miracles

  1. #55 The Quest of Ki (Pt. II)
  2. #56 Flashback
  3. #57 Wonder Boy in Monster Land
  4. #58 Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru
  5. #59 Super Fantasy Zone
  6. #60 Bonk’s Adventure
  7. #61 The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido
  8. #62 Kid Dracula
  9. #63 Mendel Palace

Season 9
Sick leave, well return

  1. #64 Sonic the Hedgehog
  2. #65 Special: Business Trip in Cannes
  3. #66 Special: Super Mario Bros. / Dr. Mario
  4. #67 Zombie Nation
  5. #68 The Wing of Madoola
  6. #69 Legacy of the Wizard

Season 10
Monkey business

  1. #70 Dragon Power
  2. #71 Chelnov
  3. #72 Yuuyu no Quiz de GO! GO!
  4. #73 Lemmings
  5. #74 First Samurai
  6. #75 Donkey Kong Country (Pt. I)
  7. #76 Donkey Kong Country (Pt. II)
  8. #77 Fatal Fury Special

Season 11
24-hour party people

  1. #78 Special: Fukuoka & Retro Game Challenge 2 Tour
  2. #79 LayLa
  3. #80 Kirby’s Adventure
  4. #81 Battle Golfer Yui
  5. #82 Mega Man 3 (Pt. I)
  6. #83 Mega Man 3 (Pt. II)
  7. #84 Super Gussun Oyoyo
  8. #85 Genpei Touma Den
  9. #86 Punch-Out!!
  10. #87 Golden Axe
  11. #88 Dig Dug II
  12. #89 24-Hour Special "Documentary"

Season 12
Lucky 100

  1. #90 Dragon Buster
  2. #91 Kid Kool
  3. #92 Shiren the Wanderer (Pt. I)
  4. #93 Shiren the Wanderer (Pt. II)
  5. #94 Densha de GO!
  6. #95 Street Fighter 2010
  7. #96 Ninja Gaiden II (Pt. I)
  8. #97 Ninja Gaiden II (Pt. II)
  9. #98 Pilotwings
  10. #99 Rainbow Islands
  11. #100 Wrecking Crew

Season 13
Pennants and puzzles

  1. #101 Golgo 13
  2. #102 Super Puyo Puyo
  3. #103 Koshien
  4. #104 GeGeGe no Kitaro
  5. #105 Okhotsk ni Kiyu
  6. #106 Special: Yuji Horii Interview

Season 14
A kacho in perpetuity

  1. #107 Paris-Dakar Rally Special
  2. #108 SmartBall
  3. #109 Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Pt. I)
  4. #110 Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Pt. II)
  5. #111 Super Star Force
  6. #112 Ninja Spirit
  7. #113 Kamaitachi no Yoru
  8. #114 Mega Man 4 (Pt. I)
  9. #115 Mega Man 4 (Pt. II)
  10. #116 The Tower of Babel

Season 15
Mad, bad, and crazy

  1. #117 Mr. Gimmick
  2. #118 F-Zero (Pt. I)
  3. #119 F-Zero (Pt. II)
  4. #120 Tant-R
  5. #121 Bio Senshi DAN
  6. #122 Comix Zone
  7. #123 Kirby’s Dream Course
  8. #124 Metal Storm
  9. #125 Kosodate Quiz: My Angel
  10. #126 Super Spy Hunter
  11. #127 Pac-Man 2: The New Adv.’s
  12. #128 Strider (Genesis)
  13. #129 Flying Dragon
  14. #130 Saint Seiya
  15. #131 Mito Koumon
  16. #132 Battletoads (Pt. I)
  17. #133 Battletoads (Pt. II)
  18. #134 Saburo Jinguji: Shinjuku Central Park Murder New!
  19. #135 Alex Kidd in Miracle World New!
  20. #136 Gradius New!

Game Center CX will continue beyond season 15, but this guide will not. To find out more, please read this message.

GCCX specials, including mini-challenges from the Wii’s Nintendo Channel

  1. The Far North Game Travelogue: Pts. 1/2/3 | 4/5/6 | 7/8/9
  2. 2008 Year-End Special
  3. Live Special: Quest of Ki Finale: X-Mas 2008 Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 5
  4. Live Special 2: Takeshi no Chousenjou
  5. Live Special 3: GCCX24: Lemmings 24-Hour Challenge
  6. Live Special 4: New Year’s 2011
  7. Live Special 5: Arino’s 40th Birthday New!
  8. Game Center CX in USA (feat. Robocop)
  9. Mega Man 9
  10. Virtual Console Sampling
  11. Virtual Console: Star Force
  12. Virtual Console: Nekketsu Downtown Special
  13. Virtual Console: Splatterhouse
  14. Virtual Console: Volfied
  15. Virtual Console: Super Mario Kart
  16. Virtual Console: Super Mario Bros. 3
  17. Virtual Console: Super Metroid
  18. Virtual Console: Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo
  19. Virtual Console: Game Boy / Donkey Kong New!
  20. 3D Classics: Excitebike
  21. 3D Classics: Xevious

GAME CENTER CX © Fuji Television Network, Inc.

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